"I'm ok, it's just my face"

So lovely readers, it is time again for that time of the week, cheesy drum roll intro pleeeeease:
Purchase of the week!
Ok fine, I just made that up.
But, anyways.
I recently acquired the amazing book titled "Rookie Yearbook one" and I could not be more satisfied, I absolutely adore Tavi Gevinson and her site called Rookie Mag. I think that Tavi is a bit of an inspiration and icon for our generation, she's young but not afraid to voice her opinion and put herself out there. For goodness sake, she's only 16 and has done so much with her "career"! Not to mention, she's adorable and so are her ensembles! Oh if you haven't seen it yet here is a clip of Ms.Gevinson at Jimmy Kimmel portraying the amazing "How to Bitchface" (Video Link), definitely worth your web perusing time.
The book in question..

Self portrait of me practising my "Bitchface" with my "diy for lazy people hair" from Tavi's own tutorial:
Youtube hair Tutorial

Before I forget, here are some gorgeous photos of Tavi for Oyster Magazine, photographed by Petra Collins. I really love these photos, so 70's suburban yet fresh at the same time, wish I had print copies of these to paste on my wall! They are obviously meant to be very spring/summertime'y but for some reason they give me that classic American fall feeling. Like school girl kilts and pumpkins and streets lined with giant maple trees. I don't know, I love it when photographs really give you a vibe, then you know they are good.
