206 Ventures: Album release at Throwbacks NW
Last night I headed out to Seattle with my spontaneous UW friend Olivia to check out Bryce Bowdens album release at Throwbacks NW. I happened to hear about the event (well technically see) when Shelton Harris (another Seattle musician) Instagram'ed a picture with details about a free event with some performances. Since I'm really down for anything remotely interesting I thought it would be a suitable Friday night activity as it cost no money and was a sure way to hear some new Northwest music.
It was definitely a really fun night, (although I personally somewhat fail at 'socializing" at party like conventions). There was good music, lots of great "street style" outfits on display, and I got a ton of compliments on my new Stussy hat (which I'm really happy I purchased). Plus, I definitely could have gotten some free drinks if I had wished, but alas I had to drive myself back to this far away place known as Sammamish. So my only drink of choice was an Americano at the nearby cupcake place...
Overall it was nice just spending some more time in the city away from the plateau. And of course added with some random shenanigans just like anytime you go on a nighttime adventure with your friends.
To continue my past few months of avid concert going, tonight I'm going to the Knowmads show at the Vera Project, although I'm not too excited to drive all the way to Seattle center, I'm still really excited to see them perform and do some more people watching.
A few pictures from last night:
And now a fairly bad picture of my outfit (trust me this is the best one)....
Some of the performers last night, in case you want to check out some Seattle hip hop:
Bryce Bowden
Kung Foo Grip
Shameless self promotion continues, don't forget to follow my Instagram and Lookbook as well...