As cliche and overused as it is, sometimes New Years truly is a great time to "start fresh" and improve upon yourself. This New Years I'm taking the liberty to start eating clean again and doing a reasonable amount of exercise. So far I have kept my promise (though it has only been about 14 hours, but still). I ran 5k outside (an i-pod is a necessity while jogging) and ate a Beyond Diet appropriate breakfast and lunch. Eating clean after a few months of indulging won't be very easy but truthfully I do feel much better without all the sugar and carbs. Since I'm trying to keep up this healthy spirit for the majority of the year, if you have any suggestions of "fitspo" blogs to follow or your favorite healthy recipes feel free to comment with them below! Lets hope 2014 is a good one!
Here's a little visual display of today so far:
-Three slices of turkey bacon, a cup of Normandy Mix (from Costco), and half a banana
- Medium sized salad (with apple cider vinegar and lemon as dressing), one spinach chicken sausage, and a cup of Normandy Mix
Here's a little visual display of today so far:
-Three slices of turkey bacon, a cup of Normandy Mix (from Costco), and half a banana
- Medium sized salad (with apple cider vinegar and lemon as dressing), one spinach chicken sausage, and a cup of Normandy Mix