First Fashion Show: Muse by SEVEN Salon
So as you hopefully read in my previous post I had the chance to walk in my first runway show last night! It was one the shows for Bellevue Fashion Week and it was a great experience! To start off, I didn't trip, fall or have any wardrobe malfunctions, so pretty much I was satisfied. Here's some photos from backstage and on the runway (courtesy of the other models cameras and my moms, she came to watch the show)...I'm hoping I'll get to see some of the professional photos this week and maybe even a video!
Backstage before the finale (if any of you have watched ANTM that's Elina third from left)! I'm 6th from the left.
Probably should have exercised more last week :) wasn't aware this was going to be our outfit haha
Crazy hair, it was totally fun to wear though a tad heavy.
Here's a close up of my second makeup look, I absolutely loved the false lashes! I can now kind of understand Kim Kardashian's obsession ;)