Healthy on the Go

For the past month I have been eating really healthy. Meaning, very small amounts of carbs (well gluten really) sugar and dairy and lots of veggies and lean protein. This Friday I am going on a road trip with my parents to San Francisco and Los Angeles and I have decided I am at least going to make somewhat of an effort to eat fairly healthy. Because of this I have been doing some online food research and I decided to do a post about making good food choices "on the go" or in this case "on the road", so continue reading below if you want to learn a few quick tips/whatever you wanna call it:

1. Pack healthy snacks
Raw nuts are a great option for a protein filled energy boost.Just be sure to pack them in individual portions (about one ounce) or you may go overboard  and I'm definitely not speaking from personal experience ;). Easy to eat veggies and fruits like baby carrots and banana's are also a great option so you don't resort to munching on gas station Corn Nuts.

  •  My favorite  Raw Whole Cashews from Trader Joes (found this in my pictures file randomly)

2. Start with a balanced breakfast
Breakfast is according to many the most important meal of the day and eating a giant pile of pancakes really isn't starting the day out on a great foot. If you are at a hotel with a complimentary buffet stick to as many unprocessed items as possible. Definitely have some eggs if they are available and load up on fresh fruit. Yogurt isn't a horrible option if its not full of artificial flavors and sugars. But skip the pastries because they are only going to keep you full for about an hour before your stomach starts to rumble again. However if you are at one of the diner chains in America here are a few ready to choose options:

  • I-Hop: Simple and Fit 2 egg breakfast (only about 350 calories and full of hunger holding protein)
  • Denny's: Build Your Own Grand Slam (pick 4 items)
          For example you could have 1.Chicken sausage patty
                                                      2.Egg whites
                                                      4. Seasonal Fruit

3. Load up on veggies for lunch
Even if you think you can't avoid eating fast food on a road trip you are mistaken! Most fast food establishments now feature healthier options than just the classic burger and fries. Of course you don't have to go completely fast food free on your vacation but definitely don't eat burgers every day (moderation is everything)
Here are some good options:
  • McDonalds: Premium Caesar salad with Grilled Chicken

  • Wendy's: Berry Almond Chicken Salad

  • Taco bell: Fresco Burrito Supreme Chicken