Just Do It
These are a few images from one of the outfits I wore last week which I never got around to posting (sorry!). I wore my new sneakers which I'm absolutely in love with and let me tell you, if you ever want to find some attractive guys go to the Nike Factory store, its a mecca of male teenagers. But also try to find a chair on which to try shoes on because its not very cool wobbling around in the isle as you try to loosen the laces...I can tell you from personal experience. But anyways, with my new sneakers I paired my leather sleeved sweater, ripped jeans, and vsvp snapback (which I probably wear too much). I thought the combo was sufficiently "streetwear" definitely so if you compare it to the other girls at my school who's closest items to streetwear are Vans. But I'm not hatin', just saying. Oh and if any of you readers have suggestions or input in what you would like to see on my blog feel free to message me! My next post will probably include a tidbit about my project for the "BP Fashion Board" Application so stay tuned...
While you wait here's some new (to me) music to keep you entertained: